There is a wealth of winter activities to enjoy in the Shuswap, some exhilarating, some leisurely! Immerse yourself in the magic of winter and have fun in our playground!
Welcome to my blog! I document my adventures in all things outdoors. I am so happy to share my experiences with you!
All in Community
There is a wealth of winter activities to enjoy in the Shuswap, some exhilarating, some leisurely! Immerse yourself in the magic of winter and have fun in our playground!
Bring on the holiday adventures! My top 10 list of fun, festive, adventurous, and exhilarating things to this Christmas in the Shuswap. Community events and gatherings are on hold this year, so I think we have to get very creative, be responsible and safe, get excited, and shake up that snow globe with some new traditions and ideas!
Winter in the South Shuswap can be a magical experience, full of timeless fun. Embrace the spirit of simple and capture the essence of winter while engaging with our community, connecting with nature, and exploring as a family!
Have you enjoyed the outdoors this autumn? Here are 14 different trails to take in the fall beauty in our backyard. The Shuswap and surrounding area provides so many opportunities to embrace the fall colors and sunshine on the trails and mountains! 14 trails in 14 days, 75-weekday kilometers!