Hiking Essentials 101 | What to Bring
I am a bad example! Here I am, hiking on the Sunshine Coast with nothing except my camera. Oops. I think my husband was carrying the case of cold beer but that’s about it. I wouldn’t do this now.
Shuswap Adventure Girl
Hello hikers and fellow adventurers! What do you always bring hiking with you? Do you carry some or all of the essentials? What the heck are the essentials! Well, I hope to help a little with this!
I have been asked several times in the last little while for some advice on what to bring hiking. I have to admit, I have been very guilty myself in my lack of packing knowledge and was pretty unaware of what is really even essential. Like in the above photo of this blog….. here I am, hiking on the Sunshine Coast with nothing except my camera. Oops. I think my husband was carrying the case of cold beer but that’s about it! I would never do this now.
Over the years, trip by trip, I have figured out what works for me and what I feel most confident carrying! I also often have little people to take care of on adventures so I have much higher standards now!
Maps and books and books and books! I love guide books! Here are a few from my library and all of these are available locally in Salmon Arm.
Shuswap Adventure Girl
My Essentials…
All of my hiking essentials fit into my normal-sized backpack and also fit into the small storage on my backpack that my toddler rides in (We use the MEC Happy Trails pack). You can also add some or all of these into your new, modern and stylish Fanny Pack!
No matter if you are going on a short little hike or a big, full-day hike or even overnight and multi-day hikes, your essentials should remain the same and always come with you! You add seasonal and specific items to each adventure as you go on them.
This is what I carry, every hike, all of the time….whether it is a short jaunt up White Lake lookout or a full day backcountry adventure in the Momich!
**The photos below are a hike up Mount Baldy in Sorrento. Here I have the essentials in my pack and the baby in the Ergo carrier. The straps of each pack double up nicely and is pretty comfortable for both of us!
My tips for hiking with kids : Click Here!
My little orange, waterproof zippered sack:
This is from MEC and they have a huge range of sizes and colors. This is a small one, about the size of a fanny pack pouch. I bought the bright safety orange color because oftentimes I have this strapped to the outside of my pack and I show my hiking partners where it is and what is in it, in case they need it too. This is where the following items go and stay.
My orange water proof stuff sack that carries most of my essentials and one of my many day packs
Shuswap Adventure Girl
Inside my little orange, waterproof zippered sack: This is what I carry, every hike, all of the time!
1. Bear Spray
2. Bear Bangers (an airhorn is good too and there are mini ones available)
3. Signaling device: Whistle
4. Pocket Knife/ Multi-tool
5. Fire starting kit with waterproof matches. You can make your own fire kit with dryer lint and matches/lighter in a little ziplock bag.
6. Emergency blanket/shelter
7. Binoculars
8. Nylon Rope
9. Headlight and extra batteries
10. First Aid Kit. I carry a small one if it is just me but if my whole family is coming I carry a much larger one that has special items for the kids.
Some of the essentials! These all fit into that little orange stuff sack.
Shuswap Adventure Girl
Other essentials I carry on me (most of the time), inside of my backpack are:
1. Duct Tape: Duct Tape is good for all kinds of repairs, including your hiking boots and poles. You don’t need to carry the whole roll, just take a long piece and tape it around your pole or something and it will there when you need it.
2. Flagging Tape
3. Sunblock and SPF lip balm
4. Bug Dope
5. Printed map or guidebook and compass.
6. Extra water and food
7. Weather-appropriate clothing (think moisture-wicking and layers)
8. Field Guide (wildflowers and plants)
9. Hiking poles
10. Fully charged phone in a waterproof case or bag
*** A communication device is also a super important tool! Such as a Garmin inReach or a SPOT device.
Garmin inReach Communication and Emergency Device
Shuswap Adventure Girl
Having the essentials is great but also acquiring some type of training in your adventures of choice is helpful and important too! BC Adventure Smart has some great online FREE programs for outdoor safety.
Shuswap Adventure Girl
Carrying a first aid field guide is a good idea , I got this one when I did Wilderness First Aid Training through Ridgeline Wilderness. You can purchase these online through Canadian Red Cross.
Shuswap Adventure Girl
These Learn & Live card decks are small, waterproof and a great addition to any first aid kit or essential set.
The card topics range from first aid, shelter building, knots , fire making , to animal tracking and way finding.
This selection is available at Westside Sports in Salmon Arm and most outdoor outfitting stores will have these.
Shuswap Adventure Girl
⭐️Stay tuned for an extensive GEAR GUIDE and
WHERE to BUY LOCALLY in the Shuswap and North Okanagan⭐️
Water and Paddle Gear| Hiking| Backpacking| Mountain Biking | Winter and Seasonal Gear | Camping | Marine Camping | Safety and First Aid | Essential Items
I was packing for a winter hiking trip here to the mountains around Valmont BC. Winter hiking gear is a little more extensive however, the basic essentials always remain the same!
Shuswap Adventure Girl
This was an early morning sunrise hike in the Shuswap, it was -24 this morning!
TIP: To keep your phone from dying in cold weather, put it in an inside pocket close to your body and a hot paw hand warmer near it. Also, put warm/hot water in your water bottle to prevent it from freezing!
Shuswap Adventure Girl
Safety First!
Be Adventure Smart! The Three T’s from AdventureSmart BC:
1. Trip Plan:
-Plan your travel route
-Know the terrain and conditions
-Check the weather
-Always fill out a trip plan
The AdventureSmart Trip Plan App is fantastic! Here it is:
2. Training:
-Obtain the knowledge and skills you need before heading out.
-Know and stay within your limits.
3. Taking the Essentials:
Summary of Essentials:
-Fire making kit
-Signalling device (i.e. whistle)
-Extra food and water
-Extra clothing
-Navigational/communication devices
-First aid kit
-Emergency blanket/shelter
-Pocket knife
-Sun protection
AdventureSmart, and its suite of five programs, is a national prevention program focused on reaching Canadians, and visitors to Canada, who participate in outdoor recreational activities.
AdventureSmart combines online and on-site awareness with targeted outreach in order to reduce the number and severity of Search and Rescue Incidents in Canada.
Happy and Safe Trails Everyone!!
⭐️Please feel free to email me any questions you may have⭐️
AdventureSmart BC’s Threee T’s